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NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS in PUGLIA 2013 - Tour of Salento guided bike tour

NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS 2013 - Tour of Salento guided bike tour

December 28, 2013 - Arrival in Brindisi. Individual transfer (not included) to LECCE. Hotel cat. 3 *** S. Meeting with tour leader. Afternoon available to visit the beautiful city of Lecce, birthplace of the Baroque Salentino; greek amphitheater, the cathedral, the Basilica of Santa Croce. Dinner at local restaurant / restaurant and overnight.

December 29, 2013 - Breakfast. Bikes delivery, briefing of the route. Cycling your bike, we will ride towards the South. First scheduled stop after about 20 kilometers to Acaya to admire the castle and the fortified village. Continuing through the beautiful countryside of Salento we will cycle along Lakes Alimini, until we will arrive to  OTRANTO in the late afternoon. Accommodation in 4 ****hotel. Total kilometers of the day50/60.

December 30, 2013 - Breakfast. After visiting Otranto with its Aragonese Castle and the beautiful cathedral, with its magnificent rose window, we will cycle towards hinterland of Salento and the countries of Greece Salentina. First stop after about 20 kilometers in Melpignano, to admire the Augustinian monastery, headquarters of the 'Notte della Taranta', and the wonderful square of the 'Chiesa Madre'. We will cycle through the villages of Castrignano de Greci and Martano, before stopping in Corigliano d'Otranto to admire the Castle and its beautiful baroque façade. Arrival in GALATINA in the late afternoon. Accommodation in 4 ****hotel. Dinner and overnight. Total kilometers of the day 40/50.

December 31, 2013 - Breakfast. After a sightseeing tour by bike of Galatina to visit the Basilica of Saint Catherine of Alexandria and the Mother Church, we will the continue the route to Gallipoli: tour of the village with ours bikes, stop to visit the narrow streets of the old town and the cathedral . The route continues to Galatone. Return to GALATINA in the late afternoon. Dinner and overnight at the hotel. Total kilometers of the day 40/50.

January 1, 2014 - Breakfast. The cycling route today provides the first stop in Nardò; continue towardsCopertino to admire the impressive Angevin Castle. Arrival in the late afternoon in Lecce. Accommodation in hotel, dinner at local restaurant / restaurant and overnight at the hotel. Total kilometers of the day 40.

January 2, 2014 - Breakfast. Individual transfer (not included) at the airport of Brindisi. End of services.

LENGTH: 6days/5nights  TERRAIN: Flat  TOTAL DISTANCE:200KM - daily 40/50K

PRICE per person
with 6 pax   €725 double room / single room €915 / €715 triple room
with 8 pax   €690 double room / single room €850 / €665 triple room
with 10 pax  €650 double room / single room €825 / €625 triple room

suppl. optional
Airport transfer to Brindisi / Lecce / Brindisi airport EUR 90 each way
Rental hybrid bike equipped with No. 2 water bottles, side pockets, and the handlebar bag EUR 65

the tour will be reconfirmed to the achievement of a minimum number of 6 participants

Hotel provided:
LECCE - Eos 3 *** S Hotel or similar
OTRANTO - Victoria Hotel 4 **** or similar
GALATINA - Palazzo Baldi 4 **** or similar

cycling tour leader for the duration of the tour
Storage:transported from hotel to hotel
half board as scheduled
overnight stays in hotels of category as scheduled
medical insurance / baggage

transfers airport / hotel / airport
rental hybrid bike equipped with No. 2 water bottles, side pockets, and the handlebar bag
any taxes
anything not mentioned in the package includes


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